Meet the Team

Museum Staff


If you would like to work for the Erland Lee (Museum) Home please call 905-662-2691 to speak to a member of FWIO staff.

Canada Summer Jobs Intern


The Erland Lee (Museum) Home could not function without the valuable support, guidance and experience our volunteers bring to the museum.

To the many local partners and organizations that work with us to keep our doors open and lights on, thank you for your continued support

To the Stoney Creek Garden Club and Horticultural Society that aids in the maintenance and upkeep of our grounds and heritage plants, We thank you from our roots to our blossoms for keeping our grounds looking beautiful.

Most of all, we would like to thank our many Women's Institutes volunteers.  Without them the stories we tell lose their meaning.

FWIO Office Staff

The Museum would also like to thank the dedicated and much appreciated help from the FWIO office staff.  Without the support of this excellent team what we do would not be possible.  We at the Erland Lee (Museum) Home thank you for your support and guidance.